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Training on Organizational Risk Management for ARDA employees, in collaboration with USAID

Today, in collaboration with USAID, ARDA conducted a training session titled “Organizational Risk Management” for the staff of the IPARD Program. This training is part of the SPS (Support for Private Sector) activity, funded by USAID through the “Economic Development, Governance, and Enterprise Growth (EDGE)” project, implemented by IDG (International Development Group). The multi-day training sessions at ARDA’s facilities were led by the Lithuanian expert, Tomas Orlickas (Deputy Director General of the Payments Agency in Lithuania), while today’s meeting was chaired by Todor Yankulov (CIA, CGAP).

Eranda Selmanaj, General Director of ARDA, emphasized the particular importance of these training sessions in developing knowledge and increasing vigilance, enabling all staff members from various sectors of the IPARD Program to acquire expertise in this field. These trainings are part of the preparatory process for the accreditation of the IPARD III Program, as a requirement from the EU to enhance capacities in fund administration.

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