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Directory of Payment Authorization (DAP)

Directory of Payment Authorization is responsible for fulfilling the following functions, in accordance with the Manual of Procedures and Instruction drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development:

1. Management of the procedures set out in the general manuals for authorising payments of applications for IPARD Schemes and for National Schemes.

2. Review and Control of administrative documentation, preventive items, financial costs, as well as permissible expenses and verifies the calculation of the final financing value for each project.

3. Analyzes field checks and authorizes the amount for payment to applicants.

The Payment Authorization Directorate has 1 (one) Director and 3 (three) sectors, which enable the fulfillment of the above-mentioned tasks:

1. IPARD Payment Authorization Sector for Measure 1, Measure 3, Measure 7 and Measure 9.

2. IPARD Payment Authorization Sector for Measure 4, Measure 5, Measure 6, Measure 10 and Measure 11.

3. Sector of National Payments Authorization.

IPARD Payment Authorization Sector for Measure 1, Measure 3, Measure 7 and Measure 9

The Payment Authorization Sector, IPARD for Measure 1, Measure 3, Measure 7 and Measure 9, is composed of 10 (ten) Inspectors and 1 (one) Responsible. This sector calculates the amount to be paid, based on the documentation sent to the sector after the administrative control done by other directorates.

National Payments Authorization Sector

The National Payment Authorization Sector is composed of 4 (four) Inspectors and 1 (one) Responsible. This sector calculates the amount to be paid, based on the documentation sent to the sector after the administrative control done by other directorates.

Sektori i Autorizimit të Pagesave IPARD për Masën 4, Masën 5, Masën 6, Masën 10 dhe Masën 11

Sektori i Autorizimit të Pagesave, IPARD për Masën 4, Masën 5, Masën 6, Masën 10 dhe Masën 11. Ky sektor është i përbërë nga 10 (dhjetë) Inspektorë dhe 1 (një) Përgjegjës. Ky sektor meret me shqyrtimin e kerkesave për pages duke ndjekur procedurat administrative të kontrollit të dosjes, mbështetur në Projektet e miratuara dhe shpenzimet faktike të verifikuara si dhe dokumentacionin financiar që mbështesin shpenzimin, përpunon të dhënat deri në autorizimin e pagesës.