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Payment Execution Directorate
Payment Execution Directorateis responsible for the organization and implementation of payment execution and debt management functions for National Schemes and pre-accession programs in agriculture.The Directorate of Execution has a number of functions under its responsibility, as follows:
Check the accuracy of payments, financial statements and bank account data of beneficiary entities, in accordance with the manual of procedures.
Enables the transfer of the fund to the beneficiary entities.
The Payment Execution Directorate has in its composition 1 (one) Director and 2 (two) sectors, which enable the fulfillment of the above-mentioned tasks:
Payment Execution Sector, IPARD,
Sector of Execution of Payments for National Schemes.
Sector of Payment Execution Sector IPARD
Sector of Payment Execution Sector, IPARD consisting of 2 (two) Inspectors and 1 (one) Responsible is provided in the preparation, control and confirmation of the monthly financial plan, as well as data in the register of beneficiaries.
Sector of Execution of Payments for the National Scheme
Sector of Execution of Payments for the National Schemeconsisting of 3 (three) Inspectors and 1 (one) Responsible is responsible for project control and prevention, with summary lists coming from the Payment Authorization Directorate, as well as the accuracy of payments, financial statements and bank account data of the beneficiary entities.